We currently supply Strawberries to both the NZ domestic market and the international market.
Our Strawberry season runs from October until April.
At Best Berries, our focuses are on premium quality, taste, consumer health, and Environmental Sustainability. We are passionate about building a sustainable farm for growing and distributing superior quality strawberries and raspberries. Quality control is an essential part of our process and we run a strict HACCP based food safety programme that is externally audited. Current certificates are available on request.
Certification: NZGAP registered (Manual number 03878)
We’re proud to belong to the following associations: Horticulture NZ, Strawberry Growers NZ
Our Process & Standards
Strawberry Field
The first stage of the strawberry journey at our farm begins when the plant arrives at the farm.
Here, our traceability system is used to identify the different varieties grown on different fields.
Our season for picking starts in October where all our picking team must comply with regulations and requirement for safety, hygiene and picking.
We have our own audit programme to ensure all the required standard for picking is met.
Fruit Traceability
During strawberry harvesting, the following information is recorded electronically: field number, harvest date, Varity and time.
This ensures fruit can be easily traced back through our supply chain if necessary.
Cooling System
The picked berries from the field are taken straight into the chiller and kept in conventional storage conditions. This process is vital for maintaining freshness.
Fruit Reception
Each strawberry bin is identified by an employee tag which is scanned and the information is then validated against our picking standards and requirement.
The fruits are then sent up to the conveyor belt for grading/checking etc.
Packhouse: Quality & Grading
The graders remove any fruits with defects (as per quality manuals), and place them into classes or the reject area. The purpose of class grading ensure that quality standards are maintained for these fruit groups.
Packhouse: Quality Inspection
All our packers are trained to check each fruit punnet for its shape, size, weight, and colour etc. Electronic scales are used to ensure fruits are graded with accuracy.
Quality control checks and internal audits are regularly completed as the fruit is being packed.
Packhouse: Coding & Fruit Label
All strawberry punnets are coded by date, time and grower initials. Each punnet is individually labelled /branded for each supermarket.
A final QC check is done to ensure each punnet is coded and labelled before being packed into the designated crate.
Loaded on Pallets
Strict packing procedures ensures fruit is packed quickly, efficiently and to all required specification. Each boxes are barcoded and crates are labelled to ensure product can be accurately traced from the marketplace back to its grower and packed date. If a problem arises, the fruit can be traced and all affected product are recalled.
Documentation & Electronic Data Interface (EDI)
Once fruit has been packed and stacked on a pallet, a grower report is generated to show the destination, quantity, class etc.
Loaded to cool store
All packed strawberries are then loaded into a cool store. Post packing quality inspection (PPSI) is completed to assess the quality of fruit prior to shipping. Any damaged fruit is removed to ensure quality product arrives in the market place.
Load out from cool store to Global & Local Markets
We load our product according to market requirements and adhere to post product inspection.
Our fruit reaches the consumers within 24-48 hours of picking.